Mr.Sanderl assigned us to create an episode idea for HikiNo. HikiNo are news episodes that are made by students from different islands of Hawaii, these episodes are shown on Tv on PBS Hawaii. Since it is my first year being in the Gifted and Talented program, it is my first time working on an episode idea for HikiNo. So I was very worried on what are his expectations.

Kaylynn Drake, Sydney Nice, Haley Gokan, and I are team 4. We came up with an idea of doing a profile story about Kaylynn Drake and her family. We decided as a team that we wanted to do it about Kaylynn Drake and her family because her and her family have been doing fire knife dancing for years and has been passing it down to previous generations. Kaylynn Drake and her brothers even performed live on a May Day school event. So far our team is doing great, we finished our profile sheet and we are finishing another sheet for our profile story and planning to interview Kaylynn and her family very soon.

When the camera is not rolling we are coming up with ideas to make this profile story something more different. We are also coming up different b-roll and lots of different edits. We as a team are trying are very best to make this something that no one has never seen before, we actually have a chance for our profile story being on HikiNo. Plus there has been a profile story that was about fireknife dancing already been done. A lot of pressure is on us, so we have to try to make this perfect as can be.
I think one thing that I can do to help my team is to always try to come up with fresh ideas to make this profile story interesting and appealing. Due to everything that's happening I can also focus on what we need to do and remind everyone about the due dates. I could also make sure every interview is done right, the b-roll is great, and ect. This may be my first time doing this but I think I've got the hand of things, I just need to practice on my editing.
love the way you word things.